What are Kegel Exercise | What Is Kegel Exercise

What are Kegel Exercise | What Is Kegel Exercise

 Kegel exercises: What are Kegel Exercises?

What are Kegel Exercise

 Invention: In 1948, an American gynecologist named Arnold Kegel. 

He noticed that all the women he treated had weak pelvic floor muscles. 

Remember that pelvic floor muscles are those that are found in our pelvic region and pelvic is the part of us where our private parts are.

 These pelvic floor muscles support our private parts. After childbirth in women,

 these muscles become weak, 

due to which they do not control their urine. Considering that the women who were coming to arnold kegel also had the same problem, kegel performed some exercises on 64 women, which solved their problem. Later, they were named kegel exercises after kegel exercise.

Pelvic floor muscles: 

Although there are many private parts in the human pelvis, there are some muscles to control them from below, which are called pelvic floor muscles.

 In women, these muscles become weak after pregnancy, due to which the female has no control over urine. 

That is, when she sneezes, laughs or coughs, she has to face leakage. This condition is medically called stress incontinence.

 In men, there is a problem of urine in the old age,

 that is, the urine comes out in the form of drops or when you wake up after urinating, the drops of urine continue to come later or there is pain while urinating, this is called benign prostatic hyperplasia in medicine. 

Indications of kegel exercises Who Should Do Kegel Exercises?

1) Stress incontinence 

2) Piles These exercises are also very useful in hemorrhoid patients. 

3) UTI infection I will post on that. Let me tell you here that this is a disease in which there is a problem in our urine, which means there is a problem somewhere in the entire urinary tract.

 4) Vaginal infection It happens in the private part of women. 

5) Fertility dysfunctions If a man has a self problem i.e. male weakness problem, timing problem, flow problem, semen problem. And if there is any orgasm problem in women, these exercises are also effective in them.

6) Gas problem They are also useful in gas problems. Bowel problem Stool problems in which there is no stool etc. BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) You can read the post on it How to perform: 

How to exercise In fact, 

during these exercises, breathing and breathing and when to contract the muscles and when to relax the muscles are taken care of.

What are Kegel Exercise

How to check pelvic floor muscles:

 If you want to check your pelvic muscles whether they are strong or weak, all you have to do is if you can hold your urine while urinating. 

If you can stop then your yeh muscles are strong otherwise weak. How much time these exercises should perform You have to do this exercise three times a day ie morning, noon and evening. And ten cycles have to be done in one time.

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