How To Yoga A Myth

How To Yoga A Myth

Is Everything You Think About Yoga a Myth?

 When it comes to what most people know about yoga, the problem is that there is as much information as there is fiction. Despite the fact that this exercise has become very popular, there are still a surprising number of people who think that it involves tying yourself to a pretzel-like knot while standing on your head.

How To Yoga A Myth
How To Yoga A Myth

It's a good idea to know the facts before you start, or if a misunderstanding is holding you back. The main reason for this is that many of these superstitions lead to misunderstandings, which makes the process seem less accessible.

Below are some common yoga myths that have prevented people from trying it.

Yoga requires flexibility -

 this is the most common misconception about yoga and the biggest obstacle to adopting the practice. Yoga is not about flexibility at all. It is about being here mentally and physically and spiritually. Even without flexibility, it can be practiced.

How To Yoga A Myth

How To Yoga A Myth

The purpose of yoga is to learn weird poses - 

very few people think about performing yoga poses. Although there are poses that can be practiced, they are intended to help practitioners learn to balance between ease and effort. Through them, we learn about the constant evolution of life and accept change as it happens in order to achieve a more accepting and peaceful mindset.

* Yoga is a religion - 

while yoga has a spiritual component, it can be practiced no matter what a person does or does not do. There is absolutely no faith required to practice yoga.

You must be slim and fit to exercise -

 Yoga is open to everyone for every physical shape and fitness level. Self-acceptance is a key component of yoga practice. This means that all body types and genders can participate.

How To Yoga A Myth

How To Yoga A Myth

• It will make you feel like a new age stereotype - 

just because sitcom yoga instructors talk about peace and love and wear bohemian costumes doesn't mean it's a reflection of reality. Every instructor is different and no one expects you to know who you are. You don't have to be a vegan and you don't have to talk about Sufism or free spirits. You need to be here and now.

How To Yoga A Myth

How To Yoga A Myth

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